Therapy Work

As a psychoanalytically oriented relational psychotherapist with almost 40 years of professional experience, I offer a conversational model of psychodynamic work to individuals who are seeking help or understanding about a range of issues: feelings of sadness, anger, depression, confusion, or hopelessness; loss of enthusiasm for life, or work; relationship, sexuality or intimacy difficulties; loss and bereavement; low self-esteem; an inability to form lasting ties of affection with others; blocks in one’s creativity or spirituality; fears about ageing, dependence or death – all these human emotions and experiences can be talked about in therapy, and insights gained over time.

Although I offer short-term work, I have found that an open-ended commitment to the work (by both client and therapist) generates deeper feelings of trust and security. Frequency of sessions will depend on individual circumstances, including time availability and finances: so I work with people between 1 and 5 times a week.

I have also been a training therapist for over 30 years and work with counselling and psychotherapy trainees from a variety of training organisations: I also offer supervision for therapists, counsellors, and for others who value psychodynamic insights into their professional work.

Fees: My regular fee is £75 but I have some flexibility and can offer a sliding scale depending on circumstances, frequency of sessions and your financial situation.